My husband, Brian, and I are leaving tomorrow to pick up our third (first adopted) child from China! Follow us on our journey!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Long time No write

I know it has been a very long time since I last posted, but has been a very busy time, both at work and at home!

For those of you who aren't friends with me on Facebook, I bet you're wondering how Ginny is doing! Well, I can tell you that she is doing great! There is barely a trace of that shy little girl that we knew in China. She is out of her shell and now we trying to tame her (only as much as Connor and Zoe!)She is, in fact, a very funny little girl. She is constantly goofing around, making funny facing and laughing hysterically! It is hard to get her to calm down sometimes! She still cries pitifully when she doesn't get what she wants and can't eat the same thing two days in a row (particularly for breakfast), but she has gotten much better and doesn't do it as often.

She is a very sweet and affectionate little girl. She likes to be carried and to sit on our laps. She loves going to Tae Kwon Do watch the rest of us and even makes up her own moves and routines. We'll definitely have to start her in it next summer!

We have had a number of visits with different doctors and services regarding her ears and hearing. We found out that she hears almost nothing at a normal conversational level. We can communicate with her because we always get her attention and I think she reads lips and body/hand signals. (She is also picking up the sign language I have taught her very well.)

Her coclears are normal, but she hears through the bone, so we are currently seeking approval through my health insurance for a BAHA device. BAHA used to stand for Bone Attached Hearing Aid, but because insurances won't cover hearing aids, they just call it the BAHA now and considerate it a prosthetic. For now she will wear it as a headband and the devices with sit on the bones behind where her ears should be. When she is old enough, they will implant part of the device in the actual skull so she can snap them in and out.

We have also spoken to a plastic surgeon who said they typically wait until children are 6 or 7 to reconstruct the ears, which will be covered under my cosmetic rider on my health insurance (assuming we still have it in a few years!) Unfortunately, to fix these kinds of birth defects on children is considered "cosmetic" so most insurances don't cover it. There is legislation that doctors are trying to pass to change that. I'll probably write more about that as I learn more.

I am really glad we waiting a bit before doing a lot of this because Ginny is much more open and responsive now. I think as she becomes more comfortable and attached to us, she is much more open to new things, too. She knows that she's coming home with us, so it's okay if she has fun in new places!

All in all, everything is going well. We caved in and bought a van to better suit our needs. I don't really like vehicles that big, but I have to admit that it's nice when Connor & Zoe are bickering it's not right in my ears like in the car! We're also going to Disney World the week of July 4th and looking really forward to that. We can't wait to see Ginny's face as she takes in all of the new things she will see there!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Back to work :(

Well, I'm back to work tomorrow. I'm not really sure how I feel about that, as most days I have thoroughly enjoyed staying home with Ginny. Plus I'm going back just in time for testing! Oh well, only 8 weeks left! I think I'll manage!

We had our first post-placement observation on Wednesday, which went very well! Only 5 more to go over the next 5 years! For those of you who don't know the process, adoptive families work with a social worker before the adoption for the home study. Then the social worker comes to the house after the adoption and send reports back to china on the child's development, bonding and everything. Our next visit should be in September.

We also received Ginny's proof of citizenship, which means we can apply for her birth certificate and social security number!

Ginny has also earned a new nickname in the past few days: Hufflepuff because of how she huffs and puffs when she doesn't get her way!!! It has really been amazing spending these last 8 weeks with her. She is such a happy, lively and silly girl. She is communicating very well and using the potty! I'm looking forward to this summer and spending more time with all three kids!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Potty girl & temper tantrums

Ginny is now officially potty girl! A day or two after my last post she just started going on her own! She sometimes tells us when she has to go, but usually she just goes and lets us know afterward. I've even been putting her down for her nap with in her underwear and she's been waking up dry! She still wears a pull-up to bed and when we go out. She sometimes will let me know if she has to go potty while we're out but usually not. I'm going to try her in underwear when we go to tkd this afternoon. We'll see how she does!

Just as a clarification, Ginny is not TAKING Tae Kwon Do. She just comes with and either watches or plays in their playroom! If she wants to, I will put her in it next summer.

I'm trying to limit her naps. She wakes up at around 6am every morning and if she naps too long during the day she's up in the middle of the night, too!

For the past week she has been throwing temper tantrums every morning when I tell her she can't have candy for breakfast... At least two or three times. She also throws one when I tell her she can't get a new glass for water because she already has three! (I swear, she's like the little girl from Signs! I wonder if that means aliens are on the way?) Her temper also flares at nap and bed time, sometimes when I ask her to pick up, when I won't give her something new to eat because she didn't eat the last thing I got for her, and when the mood strikes her! This morning has been good though, so I'm keeping my fingers that she's finally "getting it"!

I've finally found a tv show that she'll actually sit and watch! Lazy Town! It's the only show that she'll just sit and watch most of the way through! I generally keep the tv off most of the day, but she sometimes asks to turn it on even though she won't watch it. Now I can just put on a Lazy Town I've recorded and she'll sit and watch for 20 minutes!

I've had a few people ask if we'll put her in Chinese classes. As of right now, we're hoping to, but it won't be for awhile. If anyone speaks Cantonese and wants to help us out, let me or Brian know! I'd like to find someone who could come over and hang out to let her get used to them and then try to talk to her.

Ginny is a really awesome kid. She is smart, funny, silly, affectionate, and absolutely gorgeous. We are do lucky to have her in our lives!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Destruction 5000 strikes again! And again! And again...

So I started this blog post about a week and a half ago and it mysteriously disappeared! That's why it has taken so long for me to post again, although I have loads to write about!

Destructor 5000 has proven an appropriate nickname for Ginny a few times over the past couple weeks! While she was supposed to be napping once, she emptied out Zoe's sock drawer onto the floor and then filled it with clothes from her T-shirt drawer! She starts almost every morning by pulling out all her favorite toys and peppering them throughout the downstairs. She takes everything apart. Any toy that is battery operated she has figured out how to take off the backing and remove the batteries!

Potty training is.... Going... She does best in the evening, but even then she cries and fights for 5-10 minutes before she goes. Half the time she wiggles so much half her pee ends up on the floor!! I'm been getting very frustrated, as it's obvious when she has to go, but she refuses to sit down and just go! She cries and wiggles and fights it until she can't hold it any longer!

One thing that Brian and I have discussed is how fast she goes from screaming bloody murder to a complete goofball! She still has anxiety about people leaving, but she's easily distracted. The thing is her crying usually comes on in stages, starting with dirty looks, a few tears, maybe a howl, and grows to hyperventilating balling within a few minutes. Then in the middle of a scream, she'll stop and do something goofy. I think some of it might be frustration at not being able to communicate fully...

Speaking of communication, it's really going pretty well! She understands most of what is said to her, either verbally or in signs or hand signals. She can say some words and is constantly trying to "explain" herself by babbling and using her hands in a very serious way. I've tried to get a video of it, but she turns either goofy or shy whenever a camera is pointed at her. I can't tell if she's speaking some approximation of Chinese or if it is really just babble.

Well, I think that's enough for now. I will try to post again soon!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

3 Ss: Siblings, Sleeping and SPOILED!

I would like to start this post by talking about Zoe and Connor. The first thing I thought when I saw them waiting outside security last week was "Geez! How did they grow so much in two weeks?!?!?!" Over the last week and half, I've come to realize that it isn't so much that they had grown, but that spending two weeks with only a three year old made them seem that much older! It also made me realize how fast they really do change! Connor is getting so tall and thin! And Zoe is getting a major attitude! They are fighting constantly, which started before we left for China and is driving us CRAZY! But they both adore Ginny and are kind and sweet to her, so I guess we'll have to work on the fighting and attitude...

We already knew that Ginny was a roller while sleeping. Brian and I each got kicked and punched multiple times while sleeping with her between us in China. Yesterday Brian ran into our room asking "Is Ginny in here with you?" I said "no" and he went back and found her all balled up in the top corner of her bed. This morning, Brian did the same thing, except this time there was a hint of panick in his voice. Ginny was NOT in her bed. She was not on the floor. She was not with me or Connor or anywhere else! Her pillow and some of her toys were on the floor next to her bed. I came in and asked Brian if she had rolled under the bed. Sure enough, there she was! She had rolled off and under the bed in her sleep and never woke up! It's a REALLY low bed, too! She smacked her head coming out, but thought the whole thing was pretty amusing! I think we're putting Zoe's old bed rails on Ginny's bed so she doesn't scare us like that anymore!

Lastly, Ginny is starting to grow a little spoiled. She still cries when Brian leaves and/or the kids leave for school. Here are a few other things that she has cried about over the past week:
1. I gave Connor his dinner before I gave it to her.
2. I said no when she reached for a cookie at church on Sunday.
3. I said no to chocolate the other morning.
She apparantly doesn't like the word no, as she gives me a dirty look everytime I use it with her!!! Well, she'll get used to it!

Overall, her transition has gone very well! She is a very easy-going kid, only shy around strangers. She is running around Tae Kwon Do like she owns the place! She's happy and enjoys exploring all the toys in our house. Potty training isn't going so well, but we have five or six months before that becomes dire! She is trying to imitate words. She is doing well with her signs. I hope all the other families are having as good a time as we are with their new little ones!

Friday, March 23, 2012

More pics from this week

It's super easy posting pics from my phone, but I can only post 4 at a time and no videos! I have some videos posted on Facebook so check them out there!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Week one

Sorry for not posting this week! Jet lag has been hard to get through, plus getting back into a kind of groove without going to work has been interesting!

Ginny has been absolutely amazing this week. She warmed up to the kids on Sunday and actually cried when we came back in the house Monday morning without them after putting them on the bus! She's still not so sure about my mom, but she's starting to used to her. She's also doing great at Tae Kwon Do. We've taken her 3 times to watch and has been shy but fine. She even gave Master Chong a highs five!

She has more favorite toys now. She hoards them on the couch all day and takes turns playing with each. She especially likes cars. She may be my tomboy and I already told Brian I think she's going to be his sports fan!

I've been working with her on speaking and signing. The only word she can clearly say is 'mama'. Most of her speech is more like baby babbles. She can't repeat words clearly and most are completely intelligible. She is picking up the signs pretty well, though. We've got more, please, all done, mama, daddy, thank you and potty down pretty well. We're gonna start to work on stop, grandma, brother, sister, and sleep next!

She is a very affectionate child. Every time Brian or I walk in the room after being away from her for any length of time she gets this big smile, starts telling happily, and runs up to hug us! She is constantly asking me for hugs or kisses. She also enjoys sharing her snacks with me. We started a game a few days ago where I put food in her mouth and then she puts some in mine. I say please and thank you and she mimics me.

I downloaded a few apps for toddlers and she's doing pretty well on them. One involves stacking blocks and circles by size and the others are different matching games. She is good at the matching. This stacking is hit or miss. I'm not sure if she doesn't get it or is just being silly. She does not seem to know how to count, so we'll be working on that also.

I know there's more that I want to write about but I can't think of it right now. I'm going to try to keep posting at least once or twice a week as long as people want to keep reading about it. I'm sure it's going to be a very interesting journey for me over the next few weeks/months/years!