My husband, Brian, and I are leaving tomorrow to pick up our third (first adopted) child from China! Follow us on our journey!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Shamian Island round 2 and River Cruise

We went back to Shamian Island today and did a lot of shopping. We bought nothing for Zoe and Connor! (I know they are going to read this so I have to say that!) We're working on getting "Gotcha Day" gifts. One of the other mothers said that they were looking for small gifts to give their daughter every year on her "Gotcha Day". So we were looking around for small-ish things to give her every year.

We went on a river cruise tonight, which was really nice, but through the middle of the city. First of all, we got Papa John's pizza to take with us. Funny being in Southern China and eating Papa John's delivery... Don't think I've every even had it at home! The bridges on the river were beautiful and the boat was gorgeous. There was this huge screen that lit up like fireworks on the side of the river. It had to be about as long as a football field and a third as wide! No where else but in China...

Ginny did well today. She cried twice randomly. We think the first was from hunger and maybe the second was thirst? We are starting to doubt her ability to talk. She hasn't said a word and her crying, laughing and even the murmuring we were hearing aren't very vocal. They are more nasal and guttural. I keep moving her mouth to say "mama" and she thinks it's really funny, but doesn't say anything. Hopefully she'll come around, but it's definitely something we'll be working on and talking to the doctor about when we get home!

We have our Oath Taking Ceremony tomorrow. Only 2 more days in Guangzhou and then a long long long way back home on Friday! Can't wait!!!


  1. I love the "gotcha day” idea! That’ll be such a cool thing for Ginny to look forward to each year. It's hard to believe you'll be coming home in just a few short days. Enjoy your final days in China and make sure to get Zoe and Connor a gift!(or at least find them something "made in China" on the way home from the airport, haha)

  2. Omg. It's amazing to watch how she has flourished with the two of you. Her eyes are bright and wide, and her smile is priceless. I am looking forward of seeing her with your other two. She is definitely one lucky little girl. :) I know she will enrich your lives, just like you are doing for her.

  3. What's this?! No brand new early morning update?! Hope all is well and that you didn't flub your oath Obama-style!
