So I started this blog post about a week and a half ago and it mysteriously disappeared! That's why it has taken so long for me to post again, although I have loads to write about!
Destructor 5000 has proven an appropriate nickname for Ginny a few times over the past couple weeks! While she was supposed to be napping once, she emptied out Zoe's sock drawer onto the floor and then filled it with clothes from her T-shirt drawer! She starts almost every morning by pulling out all her favorite toys and peppering them throughout the downstairs. She takes everything apart. Any toy that is battery operated she has figured out how to take off the backing and remove the batteries!
Potty training is.... Going... She does best in the evening, but even then she cries and fights for 5-10 minutes before she goes. Half the time she wiggles so much half her pee ends up on the floor!! I'm been getting very frustrated, as it's obvious when she has to go, but she refuses to sit down and just go! She cries and wiggles and fights it until she can't hold it any longer!
One thing that Brian and I have discussed is how fast she goes from screaming bloody murder to a complete goofball! She still has anxiety about people leaving, but she's easily distracted. The thing is her crying usually comes on in stages, starting with dirty looks, a few tears, maybe a howl, and grows to hyperventilating balling within a few minutes. Then in the middle of a scream, she'll stop and do something goofy. I think some of it might be frustration at not being able to communicate fully...
Speaking of communication, it's really going pretty well! She understands most of what is said to her, either verbally or in signs or hand signals. She can say some words and is constantly trying to "explain" herself by babbling and using her hands in a very serious way. I've tried to get a video of it, but she turns either goofy or shy whenever a camera is pointed at her. I can't tell if she's speaking some approximation of Chinese or if it is really just babble.
Well, I think that's enough for now. I will try to post again soon!
Not that I'm an expert or anything (I just know enough to hold a conversation), but I'm also curious if some of her babble is her attempt to say things in Chinese. Definitely consider posting if you manage to catch her on tape!